Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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    Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School News

    The latest news stories from Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School.


    News Stories

    • Harvest Assembly at Methodist Church
      Children in years 2,3,5 and 6 will be visiting the Methodist Church on Friday 28th September.
    • Year 3 - English
      Ahoy, Matey! In English, Koala Class have been looking at the topic - instructions.
    • Year 1- P4C
      This afternoon Elephant class worked really hard in our P4C lesson. We were presented with the scenario that a monster wanted to join our class.
    • Forest School
      The Dragon class had an excellent time in Forest School this week. Read our blog written by some of the children in the class.
    • F2 - Our first week in Sheep Class
      Sheep Class have had a great time settling in at school. The children are getting used to routines, the school rules and all of the exciting activities that they can explore.
    • F2 - Boats
      What a lovely afternoon! The children decided that they wanted to make their own boats to float on the water. We had lots of fun and managed to make boats that floated!
    • Year 1 - Morning in the forest
      Year 1 enjoyed a wonderful morning in the forest today based on our current English text 'Hansel and Gretel.'
      From week commencing Monday 3rd September, the local authority has increased the dinner money charges.
    • Year 2's final Forest School sessions.
      Year 2 have now completed their "Learning in the Woods" for this year.
    • Congratulations to our Y6 Leavers
      This afternoon we said a fond farewell to our Y6 pupils who are moving on to pastures new.
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