Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

Welcome to Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School. Please take some time to browse our website and find out all about us.

  1. About Us
  2. Curriculum



At Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School we aim for excellence and enjoyment in the life of the school. We define a broad and balanced curriculum as one that develops the whole child and encourages a love of learning. We teach progressive knowledge – WHAT the children need to know - as we know that this knowledge will facilitate further comprehension. In order for our curriculum to be fully effective, we ensure that we develop the link between short term knowledge and long term memory. We provide a curriculum that is challenging, builds resilience and supports children in their understanding of how to learn. We want them to be inspired to learn more about themselves, the community they live in and the world around them, developing empathy for others.

We offer an effective knowledge based curriculum that is well sequenced and progressive. We have developed this further through:

  1. Using the children’s interest more to develop learning in class.
  2. Telling the children what specific subjects they are learning e.g. saying when they are learning History.
  3. Focussing on pupils knowing and remembering more – a child cannot DO unless they KNOW.
  4. Identifying & teaching key vocabulary in each subject, which is progressive year on year.
  5. Assessing appropriate key knowledge in each subject in order to measure attainment & progress.
  6. Ensuring that the ‘chunks’ of knowledge learned in each subject are progressive, allowing children to build upon previous understanding – the more a child knows, the more they are able to learn.  

Our curriculum is broad and balanced, with every subject meeting or going beyond the National Curriculum requirements. 


Subjects are taught to a high standard. Click below for individual subject intents. 


Our curriculum is progressive with clear links between subject areas in half termly themes.  We use knowledge organisers to support children and parents to grasp the key conceptual knowledge, skills and vocabulary needed for each half term.


Our subject curriculum progression maps enable us to continually build upon previous learning and through the use of regular retrieval practice, we ensure children know more, remember more and can do more. This layered, systematic approach enables a progressive and diverse curriculum which allows our children to holistically develop their knowledge, skills, vocabulary and understanding of their local area, as well as the wider world across the broad range of subjects.  Our fully inclusive approach allows us to adapt to the learners’ individual needs and promote high expectations, challenge leading to excellent outcomes.



Reading permeates and strengthens our curriculum. Each big question is enhanced by a wide range of quality texts. 


Our EYFS and KS1 children are taught phonics & reading through RWI (Read, Write, Inc) - 



Our Y2/KS2 children use Accelerated Reader to further develop their reading skills -

They have access to thousands of books online using their MyOn passwords (see link below.)

 Parent Guide to Accelerated Reader.pdfDownload
 Parent guide to Myon.pdfDownload
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We use carefully selected visits and enrichment opportunities, which includes a residential in England in Years 5 and 6 and also the opportunity to travel abroad in Y6. This is to ensure that all of our children have real life experiences to underpin their knowledge, apply their skills and  build understanding to support and close the disadvantaged gap.

Music Development

The music development plan for this academic year can be accessed by clicking here