Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6JY | Headteacher: Mrs A Sweeney

01773 872449

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

Welcome to Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School. Please take some time to browse our website and find out all about us.

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School News

The latest news stories from Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School.


News Stories

  • F2 - Reverse Advent
    Thank you to the children and families of Sheep Class for your donations to our reverse advent.  Mrs Dillon works closely with a local food bank and will be taking our donations with her to help families over Christmas.
  • F2 - Stonebroom Methodist Church
    Thank you to Stonebroom Methodist Church for organising such a lovely morning. 
  • Year 5 at The Forest
    We had a fab time at the forest today.
  • Dadding About
    In this weeks session the children and dads/grandads made textile elves and Christmas trees.
  • Christmas Dinner
    Thank you to our catering staff (Jane & team) for such a delicious Christmas dinner.
  • Nursery - Nativity
    The nursery children have had their photos taken today in the stable whilst wearing their Nativity costumes.
  • Year 5 - Video call to Australia
    As part of our Science lessons, this half term we have been learning about how night and day are different across the world.
  • Bronze Behaviour Award
    We are pleased to announce that these children have received their bronze behaviour badges.
  • Knitting Club
    Our knitting club have finished knitting the garlands for the Christmas tree.
  • GREEN Merit Award
    Today we were proud to award our second green merit badge.
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