Making Fruit Kebabs
We have been learning all about what a healthy, balanced diet is. This week we made fruit kebabs and got to try a range of different fruits. We tried, mango, pineapple, melon, grapefruit, lemon and kiwi. The children enjoyed trying all the different flavours, and sharing what they thought about each taste with the class. We managed to get a few pictures of some children trying the lemon!
EYFS Christmas Party Day!
We had so much fun at our EYFS Christmas party day. We had a visit from a magician, played lots of party games including pass the parcel and musical statues and received a gift from Santa! It was so much fun. Please see some pictures below.
17th & 18th December - Christmas Nativity
All of the children have worked really hard to learn their lines and words to the songs in our EYFS Nativity.
Please take a look at our amazing photos below.
A big thank you to all of our children and to all of our parents for coming to watch.
Yesterday, the children enjoyed participating in a fish tasting session. We have been learning all about the Inuit diet. The children got the chance to try anchovy fillets, sardines, salmon, mackerel and tuna. We were blown away by the children's positive attitude and willingness to try new things. We discussed the flavours and had to fill in a taste testing sheet, saying whether we enjoyed or did not enjoy each fish. We had 8 children order tuna baguettes at lunch today, so I think that was a firm favourite!
Fish Tasting
In R.E. we have been learning about the Jewish Festival, Sukkot. Sukkot is a Harvest celebration where Jewish people thank God for fruit and vegetables. We made model Sukkah's, which are shelters that the celebrations take place in. The children had a go at decorating a Sukkah. We watched a short video of some children making the Sukkah to sleep in for 8 nights. We were introduced to Hannah, our class puppet who is Jewish.
Happy Halloween!
A big well done and thank you to all of our children for joining in with our Spooky sponsored walk today!
Everyone was so sensible and well behaved and they all looked amazing in their Halloween costumes!
Please bring any sponsor money in to school by 8th November to be entered in to a prize draw!
Well done everyone! Have a Happy Halloween half term!
Jelly Babies challenge!
This morning, the children in F2 took part in a Jelly Babies challenge. To begin with, we learnt all about baby Lucy (our classroom pretend baby) and what she might need to live. The children were very good at sharing answers and ideas. For example, bottles, dummies, grown-ups and cribs! The children were then set their own challenge of looking after their own jelly baby. The challenge was to keep their jelly baby safe all morning and before lunch we would look to see who had kept their baby safe!
Some of the children gave their baby a name. We had Steve, Watsy, Greyson and Rosie to name a few! The children enjoyed making beds and homes for their jelly babies, taking them on walks around the classroom and keeping them warm in their hands or pockets. Some children wanted to eat their jelly baby very quickly! It was lots of fun. At the end of the morning, the children who had kept their jelly babies safe all went into a jar and one name was drawn out to get a prize out of our class prize pot.
Our Jelly Babies finalists and winner!
P.E. and gross motor development
We are really enjoying our P.E. sessions on Wednesday mornings. We have been playing lots of listening games and stopping and starting games. We also got to pretend to be jungle animals this week. We had to move around the hall thinking about how the animals move. We finished off with some parachute games.
Provision fun!
We have had lots of fun playing in the provision this week. The children have enjoyed exploring in the home corner, water trays and painting! We are really enjoying getting to know each child and seeing their confidence grow now they are settling into school.
Our first week!
We have had a fantastic week in reception getting to know all of our new children. They have settled into school extremely well and have been working really hard at following our new routines. We have played lots of getting to know you games, and we are starting to see their wonderful personalities shine!