Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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Minibeast visit!

On Tuesday we had some very exciting visitors... minibeasts! We got to look and touch African millipedes, giant chocolate millipedes, 'green bean' stick insects and cockroaches! The children were very excited, but remained calm and careful when handling the minibeasts.

Sheep Class!

Our amazing class! We enjoyed having lots of fun this week, playing games and exploring our provision. The children have made outstanding progress this year, and we are so proud of them all. They really are all wonderful!

Astronaut food tasting!

This morning, the children enjoyed an astronaut food tasting session. The children got to try banana chips, dried cranberries, soft apricots, raisin and cranberry mix, dried mango and a tortilla wrap. All the children were engaged and excited about trying the various foods. We encouraged the children to use their senses, and to talk about what they liked and disliked about the various flavours.

Transition morning!

Just to let you know your children have had a fantastic transition morning in Elephant class! I am so impressed by their attitude, confidence and ability to contribute in the classroom (I had to give lots of sweets out!) We started the morning completing parachute games - there was lots of laughing! We then read the book 'Incredible you' where the children did some fantastic animal impressions, singing and dancing throughout. We spoke about being unique and then made our own unique star paintings. After, we learnt a couple of songs about our bodies and then used mirrors to identify similarities and differences between ourselves and our peers. We then drew some amazing self-portraits. I could not believe how strong their fine motor skills are! The children were stars all morning and I know they will settle brilliantly in September! Miss Rowland.

History week - Walk around Stonebroom!

We have enjoyed learning about Stonebroom during History week. We got to go on a walk with the lovely Y4 children and look at the different buildings in the village. We were comparing buildings from the past to the present day. All the children were excellent role models during our walk. We were so impressed at how sensible they all were during the walk. The Y4 children looked after the reception children exceptionally. When we got back to school, the reception children enjoyed talking about what they had discovered during the walk. Some children had a go at making maps of Stonebroom village.

White Post Farm!

We had a fantastic day out at White Post Farm on Friday. The children got to see lots of different farm animals and reptiles. We also got to stroke and hold some of the farm animals. The children were extremely well behaved and respectful throughout the day. The workers at White Post farm commented on their behaviour and how polite they all were. We are so proud of them all.

Visiting Stonebroom allotment!

What a fantastic day we have had. We got to visit our local Stonebroom allotment. A huge thank you to Chris for organising the day and providing the children with some fantastic opportunities. We got to plant sunflower seeds and had a go at pond dipping. We got to see lots of pond life including tadpoles, great diving beetles, water boatman, ramshorn snail and dragonfly larvae. We had a fantastic time!

Making a scarecrow!

On Friday we made a scarecrow to scare away the birds. The children helped to put together the scarecrow and had to decide what their name was at the end. We made a list of names and the children had to vote. We decided on the name of Mrs Bird!

Last week of Summer 1!

We had lots of fun during our final week of Summer 1. We explored weight in our maths area, we went on a hunt for minibeasts, we explored the frog life cycle in green slime and made some magic potions! Please see pictures below.

Wellbeing week!

This week has been wellbeing week. We have been doing lots of different things in class to support our wellbeing. We had a quiet colouring session and have had yoga sessions in our outside area! See some pictures below.

Birdwatching area

This week we have been busy building our birdwatching area. The children have been involved in helping design and put it together. We have been busy making bird feeders to attract birds to come and visit us!

A big thank you for continuing to support us with our £1 voluntary contributions. It really makes a difference to the children, their environment and learning opportunities. We aim to further improve our grassy area and garden area, so any £1 donations are hugely appreciated!

Provision Fun!

We have had another fantastic week in reception! The children have enjoyed lots of different activities. They have been building boats and cars in our construction area, trying our new scooter boards and helping to plant our flower and vegetable seeds in our reception planting area! We have planted sunflowers and green beans so far.

Outdoor Provision

We have had a fantastic first week back after Easter. The children are loving our new outdoor area. We have worked really hard to put our outdoor provision back together and enhance our areas. The children have enjoyed our new Minibeast Mansion, bubble station and our updated mud kitchen that now has a pantry!

Easter Egg Hunt!

In preparation for our Easter Egg Hunt, all the children made their own baskets! This morning, we went on a hunt for lots of Easter chocolate. The children had a great time. Thank you Mrs Horner for setting it up!

Mr Pepper dinosaur video!

Earlier this half-term, Mr Pepper spent a day with F2 teaching us all about dinosaurs and fossils. We got to watch a film called Littlefoot and Mr Pepper told us all about Pangea. In the afternoon, we became film stars and had great fun acting in our video below. We hope you enjoy watching it as much as we have!

Spring 2 Provision Fun!

The children are enjoying activity time in both our outdoor and indoor provision area. We have been exploring dinosaurs in the messy tray, painting observations of Spring time flowers, such as daffodils, measuring dinosaurs with unifix cubes and writing secret messages on our writing table... Some children have also been helping us tidy and organise areas of our outdoor provision!

Obstacle Course!

In PSHE, we have been learning all about healthy me. We have been learning all about how exercise changes our body and how important it is for a healthy lifestyle. We had to work as a class and come up with an obstacle course design that would help to keep us fit and healthy. The children enjoyed the activity and trying out the obstacle course!

Making Superhero Vehicles!

The children enjoyed turning their cardboard boxes and plastic bottles into superhero vehicles on Wednesday. To start with, the children had to sketch their designs down and come up with a design plan. We let the children follow their own ideas, and be independent with their creations. We set up four areas in the hall, painting, adding shapes and designs, creating wheels and a final touches station. The children loved moving around the hall and enjoyed the different activities.

Fruit Kebabs

As part of our big question learning, we have been reading the book Supertato. We have learnt all about healthy eating and had a look at some different fruits and vegetables. The children enjoyed looking at honeydew melon, watermelon, pineapple, kiwi, mango and blueberries. The children got to make their own fruit kebabs, which they enjoyed eating.


On Wednesday, the children explored four different activities in PE. They had to move across a beam, roll over the mat, climb through hoops and climb over apparatus. The children learnt all about using the equipment safely and enjoyed exploring the different activities to develop their gross motor skills.

Posting a Christmas Letter

Before the Christmas holiday, the children each made a Christmas card. We learnt all about sending letters through the post, and what a postworker does for a job! The children were very excited to post their letters home, as a surprise for their families. We hope you received yours through the post!

F2 and KS1 Party Day

On Monday, we had our party day! The children had so much fun watching the magician, visiting F2, Y1 and Y2 classrooms for different activities, eating party food and playing party games. We also had a visit from Santa! Please see below lots of pictures from the day, including pictures of F2, Y1 and Y2 children playing in reception. It was lovely to see all the children having fun and enjoying themselves!

F2 Nativity Pictures

The children were fantastic in the Nativity. We are so proud of them all for being so brave going on stage and being such superstars! We hope you enjoyed the Nativity as much as we did. Please see some pictures below.

Provision fun!

Play is so important for children's development. The children have been enjoying exploring Christmas themed activities, and activities linked to our big question. We have been building igloos with sugar cubes, printing with paint, looking at the Nativity, exploring the Part Whole Model in our maths area and lots more! Please see some pictures below.


We also met Mrs Penguin again... (see the first picture). We have been learning all about where penguins live on the globe!

Fish tasting

This week we have been learning all about the Inuit diet, although we couldn't eat polar bear or seal, the children were able to try different fish and seafood! The children had to give each each dish a sad face or a happy face. The children tried, mackerel, sardines, mussels, pilchards, tuna, crab meat and salmon! Well done to all the children for getting involved!

It's not just a stick, it's a...

What a wonderful day we have had in reception! Thank you to all the children for bringing a stick to school.

During circle time, the children each came up with a different idea of what they could do/ create with their stick. It was wonderful to hear all of the children come up with different ideas, some suggestions were a ballerina, a magic wand and a flag! The children have had lots of opportunity today to make their sticks into whatever magical object they wanted to or to use it within their play. Some activities included painting with sticks, ordering sticks in size, stick puppets, stick printing, mark making with sticks, floating or sinking... we even used our sticks as metal detectors in the sand tray to find treasure! Please see some pictures below.

Arctic adventures!

This afternoon reception went on an adventure to the Arctic. All the children had made some binoculars which they used to explore their surroundings. We used our senses and imaginations. It was great fun!

Autumn 2- Polar Regions

This week we started our new big question "Would a polar bear make a good pet at Stonebroom Nursery and Primary School?"

The children have really enjoyed learning about what the polar regions are and what animals live there. We started off the week imagining we were going on an adventure to the polar regions, we came up with suggestions of what clothes we might need to wear to keep warm and had a hot chocolate with marshmallows.

We also met Mrs Penguin, who paid a visit to Sheep class. Mrs Penguin had got very lost in Stonebroom and needed our help to pack her suitcase for her adventure back to the Antarctic. The children had to sort through the suitcase and decide what Mrs penguin might need. The children were very good at explaining their reasons!

Pumpkin decorating

We had lots of fun decorating pumpkins with acrylic pens this afternoon. The children were very excited to take their pumpkins home ready for Halloween.

A huge thank you to the Richards family, for kindly donating each child a pumpkin from their allotment! The children were really pleased to take one home.

Soup making!

Today Sheep class made soup! The children helped prepare spring onion, carrot and potato. They did a fantastic job at cutting up the vegetables into small pieces. Afterwards, we watched Mrs Tunnicliffe put the vegetables into the soup maker and listened to the vegetables being mixed together. Whilst we waited for our soup to be ready we listened to the story 'Pumpkin Soup' and sang some soup songs! After lunch we tried some soup, the children gave it a thumbs up or a thumbs down... we had some mixed reviews! 


The children were very excited to do their first PE lesson in the hall. We were so impressed by how independent the children were at getting changed ready for PE! This week we learnt about keeping safe during PE and all about what is a safe space. By the end of the lesson all Sheep class could find a safe space in the hall. We played a fun game of four corners to finish off our first PE lesson.

F2 Art Day

We had a wonderful morning with Miss Walton last Friday learning about the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. We each created a picture that followed his technique using acrylic paints and oil pastels. We had to draw a person and add a crown, this can be seen in many pieces of Jean-Michel Basquiat's work. The children did a fantastic job, you are all very talented artists!

A huge thank you to the fabulous Miss Walton!

Jelly baby challenge!

To help us answer our big question, 'what makes me, me?' this week we have been discussing what a baby needs to live. During circle time on Monday we looked at nappies, bottles, baby wipes and discussed what else a baby might need, the children came up with families, a bed and a home too! 

This morning we asked children in Sheep class to look after their own jelly babies. To begin with the children decided if their jelly baby was a boy or a girl and what they were going to name them. We had all sorts of names, including Pinocchio and Princess Elsa! The children shared ideas of how they were going to care for their jelly baby, including making a cot and building a house. Sheep class had lots of fun looking after their jelly babies. Some made it until lunch time, others were eaten straight away! The children made beds, cars, took their jelly baby to drawing club and even asked adults in reception if they could baby sit their jelly babies! Take a look at the pictures below.

Some jelly babies lasted until lunch time! The children below kept their jelly babies safe all morning! 

Playdough making!

The children enjoyed helping Miss Walton make some playdough on Monday morning! We had to measure all the ingredients out and make sure we took the mixing in turns. We added some cinnamon to the dough mixture to add an autumnal scent!

Maths- Subitising 1, 2 and 3

This week we have been using our subitising skills to identify amounts of 1, 2 and 3. Subitising means being able to recognise an amount of objects without having to count. This could be when looking at three objects and being able to say '3' without counting. Or noticing smaller numbers within a larger number. For example, you might see two sets of 3 in the number 6! There have been lots of opportunities for children to explore numbers in the provision as well as during carpet input.

Squiggle Me into a Writer!

We have been developing our gross motor skills this week using 'Squiggle Me into a Writer.' The children have loved using their 'flipper flappers' to make letter formations in the air.

Provision Activities!

Below are some pictures of Sheep class being busy in the Reception provision! The children have been accessing activities that help us to answer our big question 'What makes me, me?' We have had lots of fun baking cakes in the mud kitchen, creating spaghetti hair cuts and practicing writing our names to name a few! All of the children have got fantastic imaginations and have enjoyed all of the different activities!

Sign of the Week!

On Monday mornings, our lovely TA, Mrs Tunnicliffe, shares with Sheep class a Makaton sign for us to practice during the week. This week, we have learnt 'good morning' which we sign during registration. Please see a video below of us practicing the 'good morning' sign!

Dough Disco

This week in Sheep class we been strengthening our finger muscles and using our fine motor skills. We have manipulated the play dough to Dough Disco moves whilst listening to music. Dough Disco is used to improve children's early writing development. If you have some playdough at home I am sure Sheep class members would love to show you their Dough Disco moves! Please see some pictures below.

First week in Sheep class!

A big well done to Sheep class for a fantastic first week in school. We are so proud of the way the children have settled, listened and tried really hard with the different activities in Sheep class. Please see pictures below of the children's first week.