Friday 7th February - The Gingerbread Man
We have loved learning about the story The Gingerbread Man.
We can all join in with the chant as the Gingerbread Man runs away.
To finish off our learning this week we made our very own Gingerbread Men and baked them in the oven.
We waited for our biscuits to cool and then decorated them using little chocolate buttons and edible eyes!
We made sure our Gingerbread men didn't run away!
Please take a look at our baking photos below!
If you would like to listen to the story of the Gingerbread Man, please click on the link.
Friday 31st January - Goldilocks and The Three Bears
The children have loved trying the Three Bears porridge this morning!
Mrs Bird made the porridge just right! It wasn’t too hot or too sweet like in our story this week.
The majority of the children loved how the porridge tasted and came back for seconds!
Take a look at our photos below - Don’t forget to ask your child if they liked the porridge!
Friday 17th January - Maths Rocks Day
The children dressed as Rock Stars to celebrate TT Rocks Stars and Maths across the school.
All of the children looked amazing.
A big thank you to all children and parents for their fantastic outfits!
Tuesday 7th January
This week we have started to introduce the children to an early writing programme called Squiggle whilst you Wiggle.
Squiggle Whilst You Wiggle incorporates dance, music and large movements to help children develop the fine muscle control they need for writing.
Take a look at our photos below.
The children were amazing - you would never have known this was their first time doing Squiggle!
Week commencing 6th January 2025 - Cold Weather Exploration
The children were welcomed back to school with a drop in temperature and some snowy weather!
The children have loved exploring the ice and snow outside and we had lots of discussions about what had happened to the water!
The children loved breaking the ice and observed waht happened to it as it started to warm up.
We used lots of fantastic vocabulary such as ice, cold, melt, freeze, water, hard.
Take a look at our frosty photos!
Thursday 19th December 2024 - Christmas Party
We had a fantastic day celebrating Christmas.
The children enjoyed a visit from a magician.
Magic Stewart did some fantastic magic tricks and brought along his magicians’ assistant - Snowy the rabbit!
The children loved meting Snowy and were able to stroke him!
We also had fun playing party games and loved pass the parcel. Whilst we were playing games we had a very special, unexpected visitor! Father Christmas came to bring every child a present!
We all had a fantastic time!
Take a look at our photos below to see some of the things we did during our party.
17th & 18th December - Christmas Nativity
All of the children have worked really hard to learn their lines and words to the songs in our EYFS Nativity.
Please take a look at our amazing photos below.
A big thank you to all of our children and to all of our parents for coming to watch.
29th November 2024
We are very excited to share with you our Christmas Film!! The children worked with Mr. Pepper to produce a Christmas adventure.
We had lots of fun making the film and practised lots of our speaking and listening skills!
We hope you enjoy the film as much as we enjoyed making it!
Please click on the video below to view our film!
Monday 4th November - Diwali and Bonfire Night
This week we have been learning about the festival of light, Diwali, and how it is celebrated around the World.
We learned that fireworks are used to light up the dark, night sky.
We made connections to the celebration of Bonfire Night.
Some of our children were able to talk about their own experiences of fireworks.
We made firework pictures using lots of different colours. Take a look at our pictures below.
If you want to find out more about Diwali click on the link in the picture.
Thursday 24th October - Halloween Fun and Spooky Sponsored Walk
We have had a fantastic spooky day in Nursery!
Thank you to all of our wonderful parents for helping their children with their costumes and with their sponsorship!
We are very proud of how super sensible all of our children were on their sponsored walk! They definitely have more energy then me!
A big thank you to our FOS and all of the adult helpers who helped to keep us safe today.
Please bring any sponsor money into school by 8th November.
Please take a look below at some of our photos from today.
Friday 11th October - Wiggle Me Into Squiggle
The children have been enjoying joining in with Wiggle Me Into Squiggle!
Wiggle Me Into Squiggle is a scheme we follow to help support Early Writing skills. It is a gross motor activity, using flipper flappers (flags) to make different movements.
Movement is key to development - It is how the brain learns to control the body from birth.
It will help our children to develop strong core strength and muscles, which will be used later on when they begin to hold a pencil and start to write.
Take a look at our Wiggling below!
Friday 4th October - My Family
This week all of the children in nursery have made a house using lollypop sticks!
They have each talked confidently about their family who lives in their house with them.
The children have then drawn their family inside their house! They even named and drew their pets!
The children showed excellent fine motor skills as they drew their picture and named different features of the face and body as they drew.
We think their work is fantastic and have displayed it on the wall in nursery for everyone to see!
The children have enjoyed looking for their work on the wall!
We hope you like them as much as we do!
Thursday 3rd October
We have been doing some super maths in Nursery this week!
The Gorillas and Chimps have been learning how to "subitise"!
This means how to recognise small amounts without needing to count them!
We have been looking at patterns on dice and learning how to recognise the pattern and the amount.
We have also been using our fingers to show how many we could notice.
I am really impressed with how quickly the children have picked this up and become confident with it!
You can help your child to subitise at home by looking and noticing (not counting) small amounts. For example, what do you notice when you set the table?
I have attached a game below for your child to play at home - look at the picture and ask "What do you notice?" click on the picture below to go to the game.
Try to help your child to show different amount on their fingers too! Can they quickly show you 5? or 10?
Well done everyone!
(Apologies as I missed out on some photos, but I will catch you next time!)
Friday 24th May - Elmer Day
We celebrated Elmer Day by dressing up in colourful clothes and taking part in lots of different activities!
Please take a look at our photos below!
If you would like to find out more information about Elmer Day or would like to watch the story of Elmer the elephant, please click on the links below!
Thursday 30th April - Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle
The children have been working really hard with their early writing skills. We develop our gross motor skills first using our flipper flappers and complete dances to help with the moves we need for writing. We then transfer these movements on to paper.
Take a look at some of our writing from Dance 4 - Hump.
Fabulous Phonics
Our older children (N2) are all working really hard at their phonic skills.They have all been learning the sounds m, a, s, d, t, and i.
The Gorilla Group children have even been learning how to write down the letters that make those sounds.
Take a look at our fantastic letter formation and writing skills!
If you would like to hear how to say the sounds, please click on the Read, Write Inc. picture below.
W.C. Monday 16th April - Magic Maths!
The children have worked really hard to learn about and make repeating patterns. They each chose two colours and made sure they repeated them to make an ABABAB repeating pattern.
The children were even able to help each other and correct the pattern if they spotted a mistake!
Have a go at making repeating patterns at home! You can use anything you may have lying around the house e.g fork, knife, fork, knife!
Have fun!
W.C. Monday 25th March - Easter Week
We have had an eggs-tremely busy week this week! We have been learning all about Easter and taking part in lots of Easter activities!
We took part in some Easter baking, where every child had the chance to make an Easter crispie cake! The children ate their cakes at snack time!
The children were very egg-cited to have a visit from the Easter Bunny, who hid lots of chocolate eggs all around Nursery. They used team-work skills to find all of the eggs!
The children also took part in an Easter bonnet parade! The children worked hard at home to design and make their Easter bonnets. We walked around school to show off their hard work!
Some children even took part in the annual egg decorating competition! All of the entries were amazing!
We have also been learning songs and rhymes about Easter! Click on the link to sing along to our Easter song!
A big thank you to all children and their parents for contributing to this week and for making it a lot of fun for the children! We hope you have a fantastic Easter break and look forward to seeing you all soon.
Happy Easter!
Egg Model competition
Easter Bonnet Parade
Easter Baking
Easter Egg Hunt
Monday 11th March - Big Question Update
What happened to Jack's Beans?
The children have been learning about growing.
We planted some beans and found out what they needed to grow healthily. Plants need light, heat, soil and water.
Every child planted a bean and have been observing the daily changes.
We were so excited to spot that our beanstalks have started to grow! First we saw the roots appearing through the bottom of the pot and then we saw a green shoot appear!
Mr. Walmsley planted a bean and put lots of water in it! We are going to see what happens. Do you think his beanstalk will grow?
Take a look at our photos!
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day
We celebrated World Book Day by dressing as our favourite book characters. All of our children looked amazing! Well done every one.
Every child received a book voucher to spend on a new book. Happy reading!
Tuesday 13th February - Pancake Day
Today we learned about Shrove Tuesday!
We learned how to make pancakes and all helped to make some!
Mrs Beresford and Mrs Bird tossed the pancakes in to the air!
We chose different toppings to put on our pancakes. They were delicious!
We read a story called Mr. Wolf's Pancakes. If you'd like to listen to the story click on the link below!
Take a look at some of our photos from today!
Friday 9th February - Chinese New Year
The children learned about Chinese New Year. 2024 is the Year of the Dragon!
We made our own puppet dragons and learned about the other animals too! We watched the stroy of how the years were names after the animals.
If you would like to find out more about Chinese New Year, please click on the links below.
Friday 2nd February
The children took part in a food tasting today! The children have been reading the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears and wanted to try some yummy, scrummy porridge!
The children observed closely as the porridge was cooked and noticed changes. The porridge went from being dry to being sticky!
The children chose what they wanted on top of their porridge! Some chose sugar and some chose honey!
Most children liked the porridge and asked for more!
Take a look at our photos from the food tasting session.
Thursday 1st February - Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle
The children have been working really hard with their early writing skills. We develop our gross motor skills first using our flipper flappers and complete dances to help with the moves we need for writing. We then transfer these movements on to paper. Take a look at some of our writing from Dance 2 - Wiggle.
If you want to join in at home you could click on the Youtube link to see Squiggle Whilst you Wiggle in action!
Thursday 11th January - Maths
We are so impressed with our children! We have been working really hard to form numbers correctly!
The children have been amazing and really wanted to make me proud!
Take a look at our number lines to 5!
All of the children are super stars!
Our Nursery