Big Map!
This week we got out the giant world map, recapped our continents knowledge and discovered exactly where Japan is. Pupils used some detective work to decide where different animals can be found in the world and we also decided where on the planet we would most like to visit and why. Our geography skills are improving and we have some meerkat explorers in our class with itchy feet!
D & T - Christmas Stockings!
Over the last couple of weeks we have been busy sewing, sticking and making our Christmas stockings.
Our D & T project this half-term was to sew and make a pouch. We designed our Christmas stockings and over the last couple of weeks we have been busy elves sewing, sticking and making our stockings. We showed some super sewing skills and decorated our stockings with cut felt shapes and Christmas fabric cuttings. Our projects look amazing and are a wonderful Christmassy decoration. We hope Santa puts a present inside!
Christopher's Christmas!
Year 2 visited Mansfield Museum with year 1 for a Christmassy production all about a guinea pig who saves Christmas. Pupils really enjoyed the show and joined in with the songs, action and makaton. We also found out that Rhylee knows all of the words to Jingle Bells! Pupils were well behaved travelling to the performance and being a super audience too. They made us very proud.
When we returned to class, Snowball the elf had delivered some presents from Santa. We are having lots of festive fun in our final week of term.
Merry Grinchmas Homework Treat!
Well done to all of our meerkat mob for completing their reading buddy homework this term. It really has helped all of our reading! As a treat, we had a Merry Grinchmas afternoon in class on Monday. We played Grinch bingo, made plate decorations, made popcorn cones and watched a little bit of 'The Grinch' with our tasty snacks. It was a Grinch-tastic time!
The Meerkat Snowman Workshop
Today we completed our log cookie snowmen and made a batch of yummy white chocolate melted snowmen. We have plenty to sell at the Winter Fayre this week. Thank you to parents who have pre-ordered to support our Year 2 enterprise project. We are very excited to take our crafts home!
Do you want to build a snowman?...
Our meerkat mob have been very crafty making snowmen themed Christmas treats to sell at the Winter Fayre this week. Our log cookie snowmen look great and our hanging decorations are taking shape. Tomorrow we will be chocolatiers. Don't forget to pre-order your child's products to stop some other little elf buying them!
We will post more pictures from the Santa meerkat workshop tomorrow.
Our Continents Movie!
Our Mr Pepper Continents movie has been edited and sprinkled with movie magic. Grab some popcorn and take a look as Year 2 explain how millions of years ago the continents were all one supercontinent called Pangea. They also take you on a tour of the seven continents we know today. Some of our meerkat mob are terrific performers!
Spotty Maths!
Our meerkat mob looked fantastic dressed in their Pudsey gear on Friday and we did some spotty maths for Children In Need. We used smarties for ones and straws for tens, showing our place value knowledge and adding and subtracting tens and ones. There were some tricky arithmetic questions but the incentive of eating smarties at the end of the lesson worked wonders and we got lots of answers correct!
Mr Pepper Day!
Mr Pepper came into class on Monday to help us learn about our continents and oceans Big Question. We discovered that 250 million years ago there was only one continent on Earth, Pangea. We saw some clips about how the solar system and the continents as we know them were created. We then looked at some short films showing how amazing and different each of the seven continents are. In the afternoon we created our own film about the continents - watch this space for the finished clip. We had a great day of learning!
Comparing Crocodiles!
We made some comparing crocodiles this week in our maths lessons and used them to compare numbers we created with different apparatus.
Halloween Reading Buddy Treat!
We had our first treat for completing our Reading Buddy homework. Every meerkat has been practicing their reading comprehension this term - well done! We had some Halloween games which were frighteningly fun! We played Halloween Bingo, had a mummy making competition and went home with some treats! Yum! Yum!
Well done meerkats. You are becoming amazing readers!
Our Year 2 mob also had a lot of fun taking part in the spooky walk. We have worked very hard this half-term and enjoyed our final fun day before the break. Thank you to parents for dressing the meerkats up so spookily and for sponsoring our walk.
Printing The Great Fire.
We completed our Big Question work yesterday by printing a scene from the Great Fire of London. We had made our backgrounds using warm colours and collage and created a printing block of a Tudor house ready for printing. Using rollers and ink we printed our design and created some super artwork. It was a little bit messy but good fun and the results were amazing. What arty meerkats we are!
Burning Houses on the Playground!
We made little Tudor houses in class and pupils couldn't wait to burn them!
One of our Big Question learning challenges was to find out if fire spreads easier when things are close together. We made cardboard houses and did a little investigation on the playground. We arranged half of our houses tightly packed together, just like London houses were in 1666. We then arranged the other half more spread out. We set fire to one house in each arrangement and observed what happened. We soon saw the reason the Great Fire spread so quickly back in 1666! Check out our investigation below:
Forest School Science!
We finally had some decent October weather when we went into the forest this week! Miss Thompson and Sam had a great campfire going when we arrived in the log circle and she taught us some forest fire safety. We impressed with our knowledge of the Great Fire of London. We then tested different materials to answer our investigation question 'Which material is best for rebuilding London after the Great Fire of 1666?' The pupils showed what clever scientists they are and discussed the properties of different materials. The fire was so hot it began to melt our metal. This has not happened before!
We went stick collecting to keep the fire going and found lots of dry, dead wood. Perfect!
To finish off our wonderful session in the forest, we had popcorn and hot chocolate around our fire. Thank you to Miss T for helping us complete our investigation. We had a great time.
Skipping Workshop!
This week we enjoyed a skipping workshop and discovered that meerkats can skip! We had some super skippers in our mob and all of the pupils improved their skipping skills. Some meerkats enjoyed it so much that they joined staff for an after school workshop too! Well done to our keenest skippers.
Great Fire of London Pre-learning Task!
Our pre-learning task for our very first Big Question was to create a poster, leaflet or video telling the rest of the class some fire safety tips. The posters we created could be used by Derbyshire Fire Service because they are eye-catching and contain lots of useful information. Our Meerkat Class are fantastic at fire safety! Check out our wonderful work.
Next week Derbyshire Fire Service will be visiting Year 2 and we already have lots of safety tips to share.
Reading Buddies!
What a super half-term we are having in Meerkats class! As well as showing our wonderful number knowledge, writing super sentences and thinking about our first Big Question, we have been busy making our reading buddies to help us with our reading homework. They look great and we can't wait to complete our first homework task!
Reading Buddy homework will be set each Thursday and should be returned by the following Thursday. When pupils complete each task they will get a stamp on their Reading Buddy card. If they collect all stamps, they can join in with our end of term homework treat!
Materials Detectives!
Our new meerkat mob had a fantastic first week in Year 2 and I am very excited to be teaching such a lively bunch of pupils! In our first science lessons all of the meerkats have shown what a great deal they know about materials and their properties already! After discussing different objects and what they are made from, we put on star specs and hunted around the classroom for evidence of different materials. We found lots of things and sorted and categorised them really well. We even discussed objects made from multiple materials. What super scientists!
Meet this year's Marvelous Meerkat mob!!
We had a fantastic transition morning back in July and, as you can see, the whole mob are marvelous at drawing meerkats. A great start to Year 2!