Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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Koala Gallery

Stonebroom Walk for History Week

We went for a walk around Stonebroom to look at how it has changed over the years. We observed many changes and also found that some buildings had remained the same. We went with Reception and the Year Four children were amazing with them. They asked them great questions and kept them safe near the busy roads. 

Science - Sound Experiment

In Science we carried out a scientific experiment. We made paper telephones using string and paper cups. We then took them outside and experimented with them to investigate how sounds travels. We noticed that the vibrations from our voices travelled across the string, causing the string to vibrate and carry out messages to each other. 

Money Money Money

The children have been learning about money in Maths. They used coins to make amounts in class. They then extended their thinking by exchanging and giving each other change.

Times-tables Parent Workshop

A huge thank you to everyone that attended our workshop, the kids really enjoyed themselves! 

South America Day

We had a great South America day, we learnt lots about The Amazon Rainforest.


Take a look at our D&T torches, we made them using our electricity knowledge and powered them with a circuit.


The children had a great time at Magna exploring the four elements. It was a great day!

Science Circuits

The Koala's enjoyed making circuits in Science. They learnt all about the different components to a circuit and what happens when you add in a cell.

World Book Day

We had a great World Book Day. The children completed some activities with different members of staff. Then in the afternoon, they enjoyed reading to children in Nursery.

Roman Day

What a day! The children had an amazing day and learnt so much. We started the day with a very special visitor looking at real armour. The children thoroughly enjoyed trying this on and looking at the javelin and sword. We spent the day absorbed in art, making our very own mosaic tiles. We had a great day!

From 2d to 3d

We experimented with chalks and looked at how to use fluid movements when sketching. We used one of our Roman artefacts to observe. The children used really fluid arm and hand movements, controlling their lines nicely. 

Water Cycle Day

We had a great water cycle day. We made our own water cycle models, played a knowledge game and won a quiz against Mrs Bainbridge. We also made two mini water cycles. One being with a cup and we saw the water begin to evaporate and collect as water vapour on their cling film. We then investigated this with a large whole class one. The children really enjoyed the day and it was very clear how much they have learnt and retained. Well done!

Melting Chocolate

For our last Science session we wanted to investigate another solid. We took chocolate in its solid form and melted it carefully in a bowl over a pan of hot water. We were extremely careful and observed the chocolate change from a solid to a liquid. We then noticed water vapour underneath the bottom of the bowl and spoke about that. 

We then transferred the liquid chocolate into a bowl and mixed it with a solid (rice krispies). We then cooled it down by putting it into the fridge. This then made the chocolate set and become a solid again.

Jelly Investigation

In Science we decided to investigate jelly. We took it in its solid form and heated it up with hot boiling water. We observed it changing into a liquid and we then cooled it down so that it would set and reverse back into a solid.

Science - Precipitation Investigation

We were very lucky today, to be able to explore one form of precipitation that we have been learning about and discussing in class. The children really enjoyed investigating the snow going from a solid frozen precipitation and it melting and changing state into a liquid. The children have gained so much knowledge during this topic and they have amazed me. We ended out investigation with some fun creating snowmen in our groups.

D&T Slingshot cars - Part Two

We have completed our slingshot cars. We assembled them together over a couple of days and we have no evaluated them. We found them a little fiddly but we showed great perseverance skills. Well done Koalas!

D&T - Slingshot Cars

We have started designing and making our slingshot cars. We started by perfecting our sawing skills. We then put those skills to good use to cut the wood for the car chassis. Everyone did an amazing job!

Big Question - Pompeii Song

We have had a great half term learning about Volcanoes. We have been learning a song by a band called Bastille, called Pompeii. The children wanted to learn the song after watching a documentary on the great eruption in Pompeii many years ago. Take a listen and we hope you enjoy!

Volcano Morning - Science Experiment

We had an amazing morning. We had previously created our volcanoes, which were very fun to make. We then continued our learning about Volcanoes on Friday morning. We created fact files about individual Volcanoes such as Mount Etna. We then concluded the morning by making our volcanoes erupt. The children loved this and wanted to do again once their magma had calmed down. 

Instructional Writing Prep -  How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth

The Koala children have been working so incredibly hard that we felt they deserved a little treat, so Malcolm the Mammoth came to visit. However he was a little bit cheeky at playtime and got himself very dirty. Not to worry though, the Koala children were on hand to sort him out.

How to Make a Woolly Mammoth

Wow! Take a look at our finished Woolly Mammoths. We absolutely love them!

The children were very excited to start their woolly mammoths today! They have been gluing on the hair, cutting their bottles and they have done all of this by following comprehensive instructions. Stay tuned for their end results!

Tints and Shades

We have been painting using tints and shades of a colour. The children have been exploring this by using black and white with their original colour. Then this week they applied this skill to a 3D object and showed great improvement. Well done!

Music Music Music

We have been continuing our music lessons. The children are beginning to become very confident with their instruments. They listen brilliantly and are very in time. We have been learning about pace, notes and following sheet music.

Ancient Egypt Day

Wow, what a busy day! The children have had an amazing day. From making papyrus paper to making Egyptian jewellery. The children have been amazing and they have worked incredibly hard this half term. They have learnt so much about The Ancient Egyptians and their knowledge is astounding. I am incredibly proud of them. They have shown great teamwork this afternoon wrapping each other up and solving the problem of it ripping during the process. 

Lastly, thank you for your support this half term. Their costumes were great today and we always appreciate everything that you do. Have a great Half Term Koala's!

Mr Pepper Ancient Egyptian Day

We were very lucky to have Mr Pepper come and teach us all about Ancient Egypt. The whole day was centred around the mystery of Tutankhamun and his hidden tomb. The children learnt so much and their work was absolutely incredible. They then put on their acting hats and made a movie with Mr Pepper. We can't wait to share their film with you!

Art Day

For our Art day this year we looked at the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. Mrs Walton came to teach us about him and his life. We studied his art work and we then did our own interpretation of his work. I think you'll agree their work is amazing! Well done Koalas.

D&T Biscuit Making

In D&T this half term we are making biscuits by following a recipe. The children have then evaluated their biscuits and designed their perfect biscuit. Keep your eyes peeled for their improved biscuits.

Hampton Court Palace

Wow, what a day we had at Hampton Court Palace!

It was an earlier start than usual for Year 3 and 4 but everybody was excited and raring to go. The stop at the service station on the motorway proved to be a highlight, before we had even reached Hampton Court but when we arrived at the palace, everyone was wowed!

We started (as every good trip does) with a picnic in  the gardens before the classes went their separate ways for their workshops.

School Council Applications

This week the Koala class have been writing their school council applications. We explored persuasive writing and they did an amazing job. They read out their finished pieces to each other and then casted their votes. Well done Koalas!