Water Cycle Challenge Day
We had a really busy morning on Thursday exploring the Water Cycle with our own 'Water Cycle' in a bag, exploring how clouds are made in a jar and creating our own Water Cycle Podcasts.
Please take a look at some of the picutres and the videos below.
D&T Slingshot Cars - From Making to Testing
Year 4 have completed their challenge to make a slingshot car this half term. The children had to learn a variety of skills from accurately measuring and cutting wood and dowels, to joining them into a frame, attaching wheels and finally designing and making their body work. It's been incredibly to watch them deal with challenges, be resilient and to work towards the finished product. On Friday the children tested them out in the hall. The cars need a secured item to hook onto the floor for the car to slingshot off, allowing them to go really quite far with their own momentum. We hope you enjoy the finished products which were sent home with your child on Friday. Well done Year 4!
Cutting and Joining (D&T)
Your child may have shown your their handiwork from Thursday's D&T skills lesson. This half term the children will be making a slingshot car but first we had to practise some of the skills of cutting and joining using the tools. The children did incredibly well learning these new skills. I didn't manage to get pictures of everybody as I was busy supervising and helping but here are just a few.
Merry Christmas from Year 4
The children have recorded their glockenspiel efforts this term with a version of Jingle Bells for you all to share. It shows the culmination of their skills following and reading notes as well as tracking and playing on the glockenspiels as this was achieved in one lesson - they're amazing.
Volcano Challenge Day
The children all had a great day learning more about Volcanoes and Earthquakes too. We spent part of the morning creating our own model of the Earth with playdough, creating the different layers then cutting the Earth in half and labelling them. Afterwards we then worked in teams to design an Earth Quake proof building using pasta and mini marshmallows. They had to make them at least two floors high and have a mini lego figure too but we found the buildings challenging so some of us just had a go. We then tested the buildings using a shake table, increasing in magnitude each level to see whose survived. You can watch a really interesting video about this too below.
In the afternoon we did our own research into three significant Earthquakes from the past, creating a factfile about the Earthquake and the impact it had. Please take a look through our pictures below.
Christmas Enterprise Jingles
For our Christmas Enterprise, Year 4 have been learning how to play 'Do you wanna build a snowman?' on the Glockenspiels along with creating our own jingles to persuade others to buy our Christmas products. We will be selling homemade playdough so you can build you own Snowman at home (£2 a bag) and homemade, luxury Christmas biscuits (£1.50 a bag).
The class were split in two halves - one half have written a jingle and designed a persuasive poster to sell the Playdough while the other half are doing theirs around the Christmas biscuits. Please listen to out jingles below!
If you'd like to vote for your favourite groups jingle, the winning team will get a prize each!
Group 1: Kealan, Jayden, Macie, Reed and Lizzie's jingle...
Group 2: William, Hayley, Arthur, Oliver and Alyssa's jingle...
Group 3: Layla, Damon, Alexis, Alveena and Izamaria's jingle...
Group 4: Harley, Henry, Max, Eva and Logan's jingle...
Group 5: Bella, Georgia, Sienna, Lara and Archie's jingle...
Group 6: Jayceon, Louie, Amber and Oscars jingle...
Volcanoes Challenge Homework
Egyptian Theme Day
Year 4 has had a fabulous day off timetable. We started the day with a look at how the Pyramids were built, looking at the different theories behind this. We then went in to the Computer suite to explore inside the Great Pyramid of Giza and a few other amazing sights. To explore these more at home follow this link.
We had fun skipping like Egyptians although we had to adjust our costumes to allow for this! We tackled a few Maths puzzles to escape the pyramids - answers can be found in the gallery for those still puzzling these out. Afterwards we wrote our own names in a heiroglyphic cartouche. Using enlarged pictures we spent the afternoon making our own Egyptian portraits - these can be found on our walls in the classroom, look out for them the next time you visit Koala's classroom.
We finished the day with a mummification race - the first team to run out of bandages was the winner! It was a really fun day, I hope the children enjoyed it too.
Please take a look at some of the photos below.
Here are some of Learning Challenge responses to the Egyptian themed homework. So much variety and creativity from the Year 4's - well done to all of you!
Please take a look at the film the Year 4 children put together a few weeks back with Adam Pepper - it's amazing!
A few pictures of us learning the Glockenspeils this term.
Star Art work based on our class text, 'How the Stars Came to be'. These lovely stars are now on display in the hall, please take a look.