Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6JY | Headteacher: Mrs A Sweeney

01773 872449

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

Welcome to Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School. Please take some time to browse our website and find out all about us.


Spring 1- Which is Olaf's favourite season?

Parent workshop-

We had a lovely morning in the forest learning about Winter, creating shelters, birdfeeders and meeting the animals on the animal park. The turn out was fantastic- we would like to say a huge thank you to parents for your engagement, you are fab.

Take a look at some pictures below.

Summer afternoon

As part of our work on seasons, we manifested the sun this afternoon, popped on our sunhats and glasses, and learnt about Summer. After we had some super discussions about nature, events and weather, we participated in a fun carousel of activities. This included eating ice lollies and making shapes and sandcastles in the sand. A fun Science afternoon! Take a look at some pictures below.

Seasons calendars

As part of our work on seasons, we have been learning about how nature changes over the year and which s. We have created our own seasons calendars to show this. We have brought them home to display.

Pre-learning task

Wow Year 1! We are so impressed with your pre-learning tasks. Children were asked to take a season selfie and write a sentence explaining how their picture showed that season. They are wonderful and children have received merits for their work.

Take a look at some pictures below.

Autumn 2- Why are humans not like tigers?

Phonics pet treat

Well done to the Elephants who have completed all their phonics pet work this term- it really does show in their progress! Thank you to parents for supporting them with this. We have enjoyed our polar express treat afternoon today- we popped on our pyjamas, got our special tickets and enjoyed watching the film with a hot chocolate and biscuits (some homemade by Kalai, thank you!) We also got our own bell to take home. Take a look at some pictures below.


We have had a fantastic festive day in Year One! This morning, alongside Year Two, we visited the theatre at Mansfield Museum to watch the performance of Christopher's Christmas. We interacted fantastically with the actors and there was lots that made us laugh. We also sang really well and copied their makaton signs. Behaviour was excellent as usual and the children were a pleasure to take out. This afternoon, the elf was good (for a change!) and brought us all a present from Santa. We have all gone home happy with a new book to read. Take a look at some pictures below.

The Bossy King! 

Years 1 and 2 performed their nativity 'The Bossy King' this week and made us all very proud with their singing and speaking. It is not easy standing up in front of a hall full of adults, but they showed what stars they are and performed brilliantly. If you missed the performance or would like to see it again please click on the picture below which will take you to YouTube to view our dress rehearsal recording. 

You can only access the video from this link, it will not come up with a YouTube search. The link will be deactivated at the end of January. 

Thank you to parents for attending the performances and helping pupils learn their lines. A BIG thank you to the stars of the show, the pupils, who made us all feel very Christmassy.

Merry Christmas from all the Key Stage 1 staff! 

Year 1 are so excited to perform our nativity , 'The Bossy King' alongside the Year 2s tomorrow and Wednesday. We have been working hard to practice our lines and I'm sure you will agree, we have wonderful singing voices. 

Below you will find pictures of us in our costumes.

We are authors!

Last week we created our own versions of Dear Zoo and wow they are fantastic! I'd argue that they are even better than Rod Campbell's original story. We used some amazing adjectives , conjunctions and even exclamation marks. Our purpose for writing these stories was to entertain the Nursery children. Therefore, we visited Nursery today and read them our stories. They listened extremely carefully and enjoyed our ideas. Take a look at some pictures below.

Parent workshops

We have loved having our parents in with us this morning at our phonics workshops. We showed them how we learn phonics, played some games and made an 'igh' light to take home. Thank you to you parents for being so fab, it was lovely to work with you.

Take a look at some pictures below.

Forest school

The Year Ones have had a fantastic morning at forest school. We have had lots of fun completing different activities such as following a map to find hidden tigers, creating tigers from natural materials and drinking hot chocolate with homemade biscuits (thank you Miss Thompson!) The children's behaviour was wonderful and there was some fantastic interactions between the children.

Pre-learning task

Wow! We are blown away by the effort that has been put into the children's pre-learning tasks. They are all so unique and children have loved sharing them with their peers. All children that have completed the task have received merits on their chart. Take a look at some pictures below.

This afternoon we have started our new Science unit, 'Animals including humans.' We learnt about the parts of the body and then went outside to draw round and label our own bodies. Take a look at a selection of photos below.

Autumn 1- What would life be like as a pirate?

We have had a fantastic morning having Halloween fun as a treat for completing our phonics pet homework this term. We made chocolate spiders and ghost decorations to take home in addition to Halloween crafting and hammer art. Well done Elephants for all your hard work this term- we are so proud of you. Take a look at some pictures below.

Pirate day

What a fantastic day we have had in Elephant class! A huge thank you to parents for providing the costumes; they all looked fabulous. We started our day using our geography skills- we followed maps around the playground to find pirate items and we got treasure to eat at the end. After we participated in the pirate olympics we had to walk the plank and swim in the sea. We then did some science work investigating which material would be best to make a floating pirate ship and then we made our own ships to take home! After lunch we did some Art- observational drawing and then we ended the day with lots of pirate themed games. We all went home with a prize! Take a look at some pictures below.

Well I have thoroughly enjoyed my first week back with the Elephants. They have worked so hard and we have had lots of fun along the way. Please take a look below to see the children making part whole models, freeing pirates from ice and eating Welsh cakes in our lesson about Wales! I am excited for the rest of the year.

-Miss Rowland

Week 1 in Elephant Class!

What a wonderful start to Year 1! The children have been super busy in Elephant class over the past two days. Our first Big Question topic is based on 'Pirates' and the children have loved completing different activities! These have included a pirate phonics treasure hunt, making pirate potions and decorating their own pirate hand prints, as well as having lots of fun learning pirate dance moves and commands. We are so proud of how well the children have settled into their new class!

-Miss Hilton.