Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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Summer 2- How has Paddington Bear changed over time?

Final week

Below are a few photos of our final week in Elephant class. A huge thank you to the children for working so hard this year- we are so proud of you. You have all made fantastic progress and we have had lots of fun along the way. A big thank you to you parents for all of your support and engagement with our workshops etc.,  I hope you all have a relaxing Summer holiday. 

We have had a wonderful 'drive in cinema' day and WOW how amazing are their cars? A huge thank you to the grownups at home that have helped them create their brilliant vehicles. This morning we held a car show where they got to show off their creations to the rest of the school. They demonstrated some excellent speaking and listening skills as they asked and answered questions and it was lovely to see them looking so proud. After break we conducted a car themed science investigation. We investigated which surface a toy car would travel the furthest on. We were super at making predictions and reading large numbers up to 200. This afternoon we then had our drive in cinema. We watched Paddington (linking to our topic) and enjoyed snacks and drinks. It has been a lovely end to our work on toys and thanks again for the effort you have put in to the cars.

Fun phonics- ie, terrible tie

The focus sound for our fun phonics lesson today was 'ie, terrible tie.' We have made our own ties to help us remember and have brought these home so we can practice reading the 'ie' words on them. Take a look at some pictures below.

Paddington Hunt

To introduce our new class text for this term, we went on a detective hunt to find clues. We were super at finding items including marmalade and a big suitcase! Take a look at some pictures below.

Summer 1- Who would have lived in a medieval castle?


Last term we enjoyed our PE lessons delivered by Chesterfield Tennis. We learnt some fantastic skills and our ball control really improved. Take a look at some pictures below.

Phonics pet treat

All of the children that have completed all of their phonics work this term got to spend the afternoon at forest school. We visited the animals, made our own crowns and wands, played in the woodland and even had popcorn and hot chocolate round the campfire! A big thank you to Miss Thompson. Take a look at some pictures below.

Clarice Cliff

In Art, linked to our work on colour we have been learning about the artist Clarice Cliff. We have all had a go at creating our own versions of the circle tree design. Take a look at some pictures below.

Medieval day

We have had a fantastic medieval day in Elephant Class! A massive thank you to all the parents for providing such wonderful costumes for the children; they all looked fantastic! We have had a busy day enhancing our understanding of life in medieval times. We have made medieval strawberry tarts, planned menus for a medieval banquet, participated in medieval entertainment (archery and juggling like a jester), had a wonderful banquet and finally learnt a medieval dance. Take a look at some pictures below.

Tamworth Castle trip

Elephant Class have had a fantastic day at Tamworth Castle. When we arrived we went on a tour of the castle. We went in the armoury, the chamber rooms, across the battlements, up to the top of the tower, the great hall and our favourite place- the dungeon! After we had explored the castle, we participated in a squire workshop. We learnt about all the parts of armour. We got to feel the pieces and couldn't believe how heavy they were. We also learnt about all the weapons they would have used. After, we completed a drill in the great hall with foam bill hooks. We were super! After we had eaten our lunch, we participated in another workshop! We went to the dining room and were greeted by the Lady of the castle. We had to work hard to help her set the table ready for the Lord coming back from shooting for his luncheon. We learnt all about pewter, goblets and salt- this was a sign of wealth in medieval times! We also showed reverence to the Lady by bowing and curtseying. We ended the day at the castle in the drawing room learning about the games they would play and the clothes young boys and girls would have worn in medieval times. It was a busy trip (we had some sleepers on the way home) but the children and staff thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Look below to see some photos from our day.

Art- Primary and secondary colours

In Art this week we have been learning all about colour. We first learnt the three primary colours- red, yellow and blue. After we experimented what colours we could make with the primary colours by overlapping cellophane. We worked out how to make orange, green and purple! Today we have then looked at a piece of Art by Jasper Johns called 'Numbers in colour' We have had a go at making our own versions of this by using the primary colour paints and then mixing them to make secondary colours too. Take a look at a selection of our work below.

Motte and bailey castles

This afternoon, In History, we learnt about the first type of castles to be built in England- motte and bailey castles. We had heard the word bailey before but motte was a new word. We learnt that motte means mound and when the first castles were built they were built on a hill with the bailey at the bottom. To show our understanding we went outside and built our own motte and bailey castle. We even put stables, a well and barracks (buildings for soldiers) inside the bailey. Take a look at some pictures below.

It was so lovely to have parents and grandparents in with us this morning. We started by labelling the parts of a castle and thought how each part is used for defence. We then created our own castle structures out of clay. The children (and grownups) did a fantastic job! We ended our workshop by performing a castle song to our parents. Take a look at some pictures below. If you scroll to the bottom you will also find a video of our super singing. Thanks once again for your continued support; you are amazing.

Pre-learning task

A massive thank you to all of the children who completed the pre-learning task over half term. The task was to create a food (craft) of an item you would find on a medieval banquet. I am so impressed with the children's creativity and original ideas. Take a look at the photos below. The children got to pose in our medieval photo booth too- the food is in front. Well done Elephants!

Battle of Hastings

This afternoon we started our History work on castles by learning about the Battle of Hastings. We now know how William the Conqueror became king and we know why he built castles in England. During the lesson, we had a go at painting a scene from the Bayeux tapestry- a famous embroided cloth that tells the story of the battle in 1066. Take a look at some pictures below.

Spring 2- How can Jack grow the tallest beanstalk?

Goodbye Mrs George

Today was Mrs Georges last day at Stonebroom Primary School. We are very sad to see her leave as she is a fantastic headteacher however we wish her a very happy retirement. Today we were lucky to have her join us in class for an hour. We completed some activities and one of these was to create a Mrs George out of playdoh. Take a look at our wonderful creations below.


Easter egg hunt

Yesterday, we went on an East egg hunt (thank you school council). We made our own baskets and then had ten minutes to find as many eggs as we could. Take look at some photos below.

Phonics pet treat

All of the children that completed all of their phonics pet homework this term, got to participate in a treat afternoon on Wednesday. We were very lucky to have two visitors from Bolsover Sports. They played lots of fun team games with us! Take a look at some pictures below.

Design and Technology- smoothies

After learning all about fruit and vegtables this term, taste testing and designing our own smoothies we set to work today to create our final products! We did some fantastic chopping and peeling and demonstrated that we know how to use knives safely. After we whizzed up our ingredients in blenders to create our delicious drinks. We had a range of smoothies including carrot, mango and pineapple and cucumber banana and strawberry. We are super healthy Elephants! Take a look at some pictures below.

Growing bean plants

Take a look at the progress of our bean plants below. We are really enjoying watching them grow and using our measuring skills to measure their height in cm each week. 

Design and Technology- tasting fruit and vegetables

This term our Design and Technology unit is fruit and vegetable smoothies. Over the past couple of lessons we have learnt how to identify whether a food is a fruit or a vegetable and also where different fruits and vegetables grow. Fruits grow on either trees or vines and vegetables grow either on top of or under the ground. Today we got to taste a selection of fruits and vegetables to help us decide which flavour smoothie we would like to make next week. Most of us liked the strawberries, carrots, apples, bananas and grapes, we were torn on the pineapple, mango and cucumber and not many of us liked the spinach leaves! Take a look at some pictures below.

Design and Technology- Fruit or vegetable?

Last week in Design and Technology, we learnt how to distinguish between a fruit and a vegetable. If it had seeds, it was a fruit and if it did not have seeds, it was a vegetable. There was some surprises to us including an avocado, tomato and cucumber being fruits. We did some super sorting. Take a look at a selection of photos below.

Computing- digital imagery

This term in computing we are learning how to take, use and edit photos. We know that a photo is a still image. A couple of weeks ago we planned our own photo stories based on a selection of toys using a storyboard template. Today we used the iPads to bring our story ideas to life. I was so impressed with how clear the children's photos were and how accurate they were at using the iPads to take their own photos. Take a look at some pictures below.

Science- Parts of a plant

On Monday, in our Science lesson we focused on the the parts of a plant. We used the vocabulary- stem, leaf, roots, petal and anther and we learnt about the function of each part. In pairs we had a plant to label and we were super whizzy! Take a look at some pictures below.

Pre-learning task-

For the children's pre-learning task this half term, they were asked to create a picture or craft of a plant of their choice. They had to label it and find out a fact about it! The children did a super job and have received merits for their work. Take a look at some pictures below.

Forest school-

We had a wonderful morning at forest school. We spent some time on the animal park before heading down to the woodland where Sam was waiting with a fire! We were really sensible when entering the fire circle. We spoke about wild plants we have been learning about in class- dandelions, nettles, lesser celandine, grape hyacinth and bluebells. We then went a walk around the woodland seeing which ones we could spot! Miss Thompson also helped us identify other plants such as snowdrops. We also visited the pond and picked watercress to eat! When we got back to the fire we had delicious soup. Thank you Miss Thompson and Sam for a super session. Take a look at some pictures below.

English- magic bean writing.

This week, linked to our English work on Jack and the beanstalk, we produced some wonderful creative writing. We were all given our own pack of magic beans and we had to use our imagination to think where the beans could take us. We used some wonderful adjectives and descriptive sentences. Take a look at our writing below.

English- crime scene

This morning in English, we were working on our inference skills. We walked in the golden room to find a crime scene! We knew it was linked to a story but we had to infer from the clues which story it could be. There was a cow, giant footprints, a golden egg, jar and magic beans. After we had explored the clues, we had to record our findings on the detective sheet. Take a look at some pictures below.


To start our big question, 'How can Jack grow the tallest beanstalk?' we have planted our very own bean plants! We carefully added the compost, made a hole for the seed, covered it over and then gave it a drop of water. We also all created a castle for our pots and we are going to have a race to see whos plant reaches the top of the castle first! Take a look at some pictures below.

Spring 1- Which is Olaf's favourite season?

Weather reports-

As part of last term's work on weather and seasons, we created our own scripts for TV weather reports. Today we became weather presenters and filmed our ideas in front of the green screen! We did some super speaking and listening. Take a look at our videos below.

Pancake party

All of those children that completed all of their phonics homework last term got to enjoy a pancake party at the end of the term! The children dressed up in their party clothes, played party games and ate pancakes with various toppings! Take a look at some pictures below.

Design and Technology

In Design and Technology this term, we have been making our own windmills! We listened to the song 'Windmill in Old Amsterdam' and then had to get designing a windmill for a mouse. This is why some of our windmills have pictures of cheese on! We then used super cutting, folding and sticking skills to create them. After, we evaluated them and labelled them with the key vocabulary we have been focusing on- structure, turbine and axle. We have taken these home to display! Take a look at some pictures below.


Last week, when learning about Autumn, we thought about the changes we would see in nature around us. We also thought about what the weather is like in Autumn and the occasions we celebrate. We then got crafty and made our very own Autumn tree! Take a look at some pictures below.

Fun fluency-

In class we have been learning about tens and ones. To help us today we had a fun fluency session using sweets! The strawberry pencils were worth ten and the skittles were worth ones. We were super at making two digit numbers, and we got to have a taste after! Take a look at some pictures below.


We are really enjoying exploring this term's big question and learning all about seasons. This afternoon we forgot about the cold outside, put on our sunglasses and hats and pretended it was a hot Summer's day. We had delicious ice creams, built sandcastles, role played picnics and created some lovely pictures and writing based on Summer vocabulary. The children were so good at playing and talking to eachother and thoroughly enjoyed the activity. Take a look at some pictures below.

Phonics workshop-

We have loved having our parents in this morning! We learnt all about split digraphs and completed activities such as board games, crafts, mark making in rice and bingo! We had lots of fun and did some super reading and spelling. Take a look at some pictures below.


On Friday, with Mrs Horner, we learnt all about taking steps to goals in PSHE. We had a good discussion about the steps we can take to achieve different goals before taking part in a fun activity! We had to verbalise steps to make a jam sandwich and then see if our steps worked. Take a look at us making our yummy sandwiches below!

Forest School-

This morning we visited forest school as part of our Science work at seasons! We wanted to find more out about Winter. First we visited the animal park where we interacted with the animals and discussed how they are cared for in Winter. We found out that the animals grow more hair and feathers in Winter to keep them warm. Miss Thompson also told us that animals were harder to look after in Winter and told us about the water freezing last week. After the animals, we went on a woodland walk. We noticed the trees were bare, there were drays (squirrel's nests) in the trees and we found various bugs and insects using the leaves on the floor as a blanket. We even found insects nestled away in logs. Finally, we explored the pond area and discussed why there were no tadpoles. We felt the water and it was very cold but we enjoyed making wet, cold handprints! We had lots of fun exploring and will be using our findings in our Science lesson tomorrow. Thank you Miss Thompson and Marg for a wonderful session!

As part of our work on seasons, we have learnt how nature changes throughout the year. We have made art work to show this and turned them into calendars. We hope you like using them at home.

We have had a super first day back in Elephant class! The children returned to school with smiles on their faces and were eager to work. In English this morning we were introduced to our new class text, 'The owl who was afraid of the dark.' In Maths we continued with some super subtracting and this afternoon we started our work on our new big question, 'Which is Olaf's favourite season?' As part of our afternoon carousel we made our own snow globes. They have turned out really well! Take a look at some pictures below. 

Autumn 2- Why are humans not like tigers?

Design and Technology- Textiles

We have really enjoyed our Design and Technology unit this term! First we learnt about different ways to join materials. We experimented using glue, staples and safety pins. After we designed our own puppets, thinking about the animals we had learnt about during our Science topic. We then learnt how to join materials by sewing and put our skills to work by sewing our own puppets. Finally, we decorated our puppets, adding details to our animals. Take a look at some pictures of our D and T work from the last few weeks below.

KS1 Christmas Party

We have had a fantastic party day! We started the day by watching a magician called Joey. He was really funny and showed us some super tricks. He also got us on our feet dancing to party songs! After we split into groups to participate in lots of fun activities. We had our faces painted by Miss Rowland and Mrs Brookes, had tattoos done by Mrs Booker, played Christmas Bingo with Mr Scott and played with Miss Lee. 

This afternoon we went in the hall and had delicious party food. We also played pass the parcel. To end our day we had a special visitor in our classroom- Santa! He gave us all a gift and we used some lovely manners.

Take a look at some pictures below of our wonderful day.

Phonics pet treat- Christmas baking

All of the children who have completed their phonics pet work this term participated in a treat morning today where we did some Christmas baking! We had lots of fun and got to take our biscuits home to eat. Take a look at some pictures below.

Forest school-

We have had a wonderful morning in the forest! We first used our geography skills to use a map to find eleven tigers in the animal park. We were super at following directions and discussing where they could be with their partners. After, Miss Thompson taught us about how she has to look after the animals on the park and we drew on our previous science learning. Later we went to the woodland and created our own wild tigers in groups using natural materials. Finally Tigger brought us some lovely hot chocolate and biscuits (to apologise for the tiger who came to tea and ate everything) which we thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you Miss Thompson for a super morning. Take a look at some pictures below.


Last week in Science we learnt all about the diet of animals. We learnt three special words- carnivore, omnivore and herbivore. We then inspected different animal poo samples and decided which one would belong to which type of animal. Take a look at some pictures below.

Elephant class are so excited to perform our nativity to our parents this week! Take a look at some photos of us in our costumes below.

Decorating the christmas tree

This afternoon we decorated the Christmas tree and we all got a very lovely surprise! Mrs Booker's Mum had knitted us all a decoration. We have popped them on our tree however at the end of this half term we will get to bring them home with a chocolate treat inside. A massive thank you to Mrs Clarke- we are very grateful! Take a look at some pictures below.

Dear Zoo books-

This week we have been busy writing our own versions of Dear Zoo and we definitely give Rod Campbell a run for his money! They are fantastic. This money we visited nursery with our books and shared them with the younger children. It was lovely to see the children so enthusiastic to share their work. Take a look at some pictures below.

Science- Structure of animals

In Science we have been learning about the structure of animals. To show our understanding we got creative! We potato printed an animal (some tigers, giraffes and monkeys) before adding the finer details and labelling the different parts of their bodies! Take a look at our wonderful work below.

Pre-learning task

For our pre-learning task we were asked to make a 3D sculpture of an animal that you would find in a zoo. We have really gone above and beyond making our  animals and using a wide variety of media. All children who completed the task have been rewarded with merits. Take a look at our amazing creations below.

Parent phonics workshop

We have loved having our parents in this morning for our phonics workshops. We played a variety of games including noughts and crosses, bingo and the cup and pom pom game and made our own 'igh' lights to take home. It was so lovely to see the children learning with their parents. Thank you for your engagement and support. Take a look at some pictures below.

Science- Parts of the body

This afternoon we started our 'Animals including humans' unit in Science by learning about parts of the human body. We used our phonics knowledge to read the different parts and then identified where they were on our bodies. After we went outside to draw and label bodies with chalk- we really enjoyed this! Take a look at some pictures below.

Fun phonics-

It was lovely to see the children return to school today with smiles on their faces eager to learn! This afternoon we had our first fun phonics lesson of the term. We focused on the sound 'aw, yawn at dawn' We applied this sound by writing words on strAWberries and then we made and enjoyed strAWberry milkshakes! Take a look at some pictures below.

Autumn 1- What would life be like as a pirate?

Phonics pet treat- pyjama day!

A massive well done to all of the Elephants- we are so proud of you for completing all of your phonics pet homework this half term. It really does make a difference! As a treat we have had a day in pyjamas and an afternoon of playing games, drinking hot chocolate and eating snacks. Take a look at some pictures below. 

Black History Week- Mary Seacole

We have really enjoyed learning about Mary Seacole as part of our Black History week. Mary Seacole was a Jamaican-born nurse. She went to help in the Crimean war and set up her own hospital to help the soldiers. This was despite people discriminating against her because of her skin colour. We have done some wonderful writing, painted portraits of Mary Seacole, created timelines of her life, thought about hospitals in the past compared to those now and created our own Jamaican flag collages. Take a look at a selection of photos below.

If you would like to find out more about Mary Seacole with your child I would recommend the videos on BBC (the children really enjoyed watching them!)

The life of Mary Seacole - BBC Teach 


Science- Which material would be best to make a coat for Captain Blackbeard?

This week in Science we have been investigating which material would be best to make a coat for Captain Blackbeard. We started by coming up with a criteria for a good pirate coat. We decided it had to be comfy, strong to survive pirate battles and waterproof for if waves came overboard. We then made our own coats using paper, plastic and fabric. This afternoon we have tested how effective they are and came up with the conclusion that fabric would be best! Take a look at some pictures below.

KS1 fun run

We have had a fantastic morning at Heath participating in the KS1 fun run. We joined in with warm up activities and then competed in races against local schools. Our behaviour was excellent and each and every one of us completed the race with a smile on our face. A special mention to the three year one girls who won 1st , 2nd AND 3rd place against all the Year 1 girls from every school. Take a look at some pictures below.

Pirate day

We have had a fantastic pirate day in Elephant class- a huge thank you to parents for providing such wonderful costumes. We started the day with some games of pirate bingo- the children got very competitive! We then learnt about the parts of a pirate ship and went in the hall to make a big pirate ship of our own including the stern, bow, mast, flag, sail and gun ports. After break we looked at some pirate portraits from various artists and then created our own with oil pastels. Some of us decided to give our pirates beards, beads in our hair and even shark tooth earrings. After dinner we learnt about the jobs on a pirate ship and play cherades. We then went in the hall for our party. We ate party food, played games and participated in the pirate olympics! Take a look at some pictures below.

Maths- part whole models

 This morning in Maths we were introduced to part whole models. We use part whole models regularly in Year One to learn about the relationship between numbers. To help us, we used hula hoops and cubes. Take a look at our fantastic work below.

Art morning

We had a fantastic morning with Miss Walton on Friday learning about the artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. We learnt about the timeline of his life and then we created a dinosaur 'Pez' using his techniques. We used acrylic paints and chalk paints and included a three-point crown which can be see in many pieces of his work. Take a look at pictures of our fantastic work below. Thank you Miss Walton!

Geography, Scotland-

This afternoon in Geography, we have been learning about another country in the United Kingdom- Scotland. We also learnt that the capital city of Scotland is Edinburgh! We spent the afternoon researching and writing about Edinburgh castle, building mountains as tall as Ben Nevis, drawing the loch ness monster and eating Scottish shortbread! Take a look at some pictures below.

Science, floating and sinking-

The children are really enjoying our unit on materials. They are super at recognising different materials and identifying the material different objects are made from. This week we conducted an investigation to see which materials can float and which sink.  Today we then created our own floating pirate ships out of plastic! Take a look at our pictures below.

Geography, Wales-

This afternoon in our Geography lesson we learnt all about Wales and its capital city- Cardiff. We learnt lots of facts which enabled us to create some fabulous Cardiff fact files. We also had fun creating glitter pictures of the Welsh flag and trying some delicious Welsh cakes. Take a look at some pictures below.

Geography- England

We are really enjoying our Geography lessons in Year One. Last week we did some map work to identify the four countries of the United Kingdom- England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. This week we have started learning about capital cities. Today our focus was London. We have had a wonderful afternoon participating in a carousel of activities- writing about the London Eye, drawing the Big Ben, creating pastel portraits of King Charles III and our favourite activity eating scones with cream and jam! Take a look at some pictures below.

Art, observational drawing-

We are really enjoying our Art lessons in Year One. This week, we had to work on our observational drawing. We thought about shape, texture, details and colour and created some wonderful pictures of fruit. Take a look at some pictures below.

Pre-learning task 

Wow some of the elephants have made a fantastic start to their pre-learning tasks this year! Over the Summer children were challenged to make their own pirates and they have certainly impressed us. They have used a range of media and in addition to pirates we have also had some treasure chests, ships and even a map. All children who completed the pre-learning task have received 2 merits. Take a look at our wonderful creations below.


In Year One, we do fluency sessions to practice our basic number skills. Today we used treasure chest tens frames and pirate treasure to represent numbers. We did a super job. Take a look at some pictures below.

Pirate phonics treasure hunt

This morning an exciting envelope had been left in our classroom. Inside was a pirate treasure map asking us to find the treasure. We were also given phoneme sheets so we could find sounds along the way. We popped on our pirate hats and went following the clues. As we found different pirate items we also recognised lots of sounds- well done Elephants! At the end we found TWO treasure chests, one full of gold and one full of sweets. We were very happy. Take a look at some pictures below.