Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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WOW! What a messy afternoon. Despite this, the children had a fantastic time create their artworks based on Cai Guo-Qiang's explosion art. Thank you very much to each and every adult that took part. 


As part of our links with CNET, the children took part in an enterprise day where they designed a planner that could be used in our school. They had a fantastic time and worked really well as a team, which was a pleasure to see. 


As part of the science topic on forces, the children took part in a parachute investigation to see what makes the best parachute. Despite some anomalies, we eventually came to the conclusion that the bigger the surface area, the greater the air resistance thus the better the parachute. 


Today, the children have worked superbly - with the help of their parents and family members - to create a stuffed toy. As you can see from the pictures below, they are all the same because it is the teddy from our class book 'Otto. An Autobiography of a Teddy Bear' by Tomi Ungerer. 

Thank you very much to each and every family member that came in to help us - without your help, we would probably be at the needle threading stage! 


Last Monday, the children took part in what the school call Adam Pepper Day. During these days, the children learn about a new topic and carry out research all about it. They will then use this research to create a film about the topic area. 

Our topic area was the Anglo-Saxons. Below is the video that the children created. As you will see, it is absolutely fantastic and both Mrs Sweeney, Mrs Booker, Mrs Naylor and myself really enjoyed it. We hope you enjoy it too! 


As part of the computing curriculum, the children explored a piece of software call Stop Motion Animation - if you imagine Wallace and Gromit and how it was made, you wouldn't be far off the mark. Once they became familiar with the software, they then created their own animations using playdough. Below are a few photos from the session. Why not ask your child what they did to create their animation? 


In D&T, the children had to look at the process for different foods reaching our plates and what a healthy meal looks like. From there, they took a traditional recipe and tweaked it, constantly keeping in mind the nutritional value within the food. As you can see from the pictures below, the children had a superb time and produced a superb spaghetti bolognese.


As part of the Big Question homework for Spring Term 2, the children had to research the life cycles of different animals. 


As part of Ancient Greek Day the children took part in the Stonebroom Olympics. The children were split into two teams which were then named after two Greek city states - Athens and Sparta. They took part in sprint races, relay races, jumping races, throwing events and the debut of Arthur's obstacle race. Once again, you can see from the photos below that the children had a magnificent time. 

We (as a class) must also thank the parents for taking part in the competition - we hope you all enjoyed joining us!


As part of our big question, the children took part in Ancient Greek Day on the last Thursday before half term. The children had the opportunity to dress in costume and take part in several activities, including learning about what like was like for children in Ancient Greece (city state dependent), creating a Parthenon and looking at the monsters and heroes from Greek mythology. As you can see from the photos below, the children had a magnificent time.   


As many of our children decide to bike to school, it is vitally important that they are taught how you use their bike correctly on the roads. For Year 5, Bikeability was based on the school playground however the children learnt how to carry out a safety check on their bike, how to ride their bike safely one handed and the signals required when out on the roads. Next year, they will progress to level 2 and carry out an assessment on the roads of Stonebroom. 


Aren't the children below just fantastic! Not only have they created new games that could be used in the Stonebroom Olympics, they have also stood up and presented them to the rest of the class. Every single child achieved at least 2 votes, which means that all of the games received at least 1 vote from another member of the class. Whilst the games were designed for the Stonebroom Olympics, many of them could be used by the mini-leaders during lunchtimes. It fair to say that I am so proud of each and every participant and I know they will be fantastic games come next Thursday!  


On Tuesday, the children took part in mini-leader training. During the afternoon, the children had to think about the leadership skills required to lead an activity and then in small groups, teach the rest of the class the activity. As you can see from the photos, they had a wonderful time. 

Going forward, the children will decide whether or not they wish to become a school mini-leader. This will involve teaching children in school an activity which will encourage them to be more active. 


With Mrs Booker this week, the children have created more fantastic pieces of artwork. This time, the children had to draw the outline of a house. From there, they placed a piece of A5 paper onto printing ink and drew their house once again on the back. As you can see, this has produced some superb pieces of work. 


I must start with my favourite word.... WOW! The bridges look absolutely fantastic. Whilst it may seem to have taken forever (at times it felt like it took as long to build the Forth Road Bridge in Scotland - 7 years), the effort and perseverance was definitely worth it and the final Monday was a joy as the children could finally see their project coming together. 

Congratulations to the children on completing another successful unit and thanks once again to the superb helpers we had support us before Christmas.


Last term, during art lessons, the children created collagraph plates. These plates were made from sticking a range of textured materials onto a cardboard plate. From there, they then used printing paint to create a background for their futuristic pictures. As you can see from their faces, the children really enjoyed this project and the art work completed was superb. 


Back in October/November, the children were asked to  create a model of the solar system. As you can see from the pictures below, these models are absolutely fantastic so thank you very much to everyone that helped the children. 


I regularly start these write ups with the word WOW but today has to start with that word! WOW! I think I was feeling very ambitious when I thought we would have some completed bridges by the end of the day. That said, the children work so hard throughout the day - they made me and their parents proud. 

As you can see from the photos below, at times it looked very chaotic but their skills improved as the day went on. 

A huge thank you to each and every adult that came today - I think each and everyone of you deserve a wage with the shift you put in to help but with the government budgets cuts, I am afraid a big thank you from us all would be our best offer!

Lastly, one of the adults said to me that the children were lovely and a pleasure to spend an hour with. I couldn't agree more. They are a lovely class who give 100% effort in everything. They are a credit to all you parents. 

I look forward to your help and support during the sewing day later in the year....... too soon to ask?!  


Wow! What an unbelievable day we have had at the National Space Centre in Leicester. The children were absolutely fantastic throughout the day and we had a lot of fun whilst bringing learning to life. A particular highlight of the day would be the visit to the planetarium. The shock and surprise on their faces was a pleasure to see as they experienced something that many of them had never experienced before - it brought the solar system to life! 

Please enjoy the photos that we took as a reminder of our fantastic trip!  


As part of Black History Week, we studied the famous rugby player Jonah Lomu. We looked at his incredible career, particularly for the All Blacks (New Zealand), looked at his contribution to Black History and the legacy he has left behind. 

As part of being in the New Zealand rugby team, he always performed the haka before each match. We decided to attempt a version of the haka and as the video clip below shows, we had incredible fun doing so. We hope you enjoy it. 


Wow! What a project. If you ever think about making something out of spaghetti other than food, then may I suggest you have a rethink! Despite the challenges of keeping the spaghetti in one piece, the children work really hard in their groups to create a truss bridge. As you can see, they look really good and they are very proud of their work. 


As promised, here are our finished pieces of art work in the style of Jean-Michel Basquiat. As you can see, they are absolutely superb. Keep an eye on the school website for more details on a celebratory art gallery coming soon.  


Last Thursday, the children had a very special guest in their classroom - it was our resident artist Miss Walton! As part of the school's art day, the children spent time learning about Jean-Michel Basquiat and created a piece of art in a similar style. At the moment, you can see the pictures from when they started their piece of work, with the completed pieces coming soon!  


Every year, the Y5&6 children take part in a First Aid day. This is a fantastic opportunity for the children to learn how to administer basic first aid. Over the coming days, the children will receive a certificate and booklet outlining what they have been taught. 


Every year in school, the children start the year by drawing a face of themselves. This year, the children were given half of their face and they needed to complete the other half. As you can see, they have produced some fantastic pieces of work. 


Today, the children have been look at beam and arch bridges. Once we looked at the bridges, the children then carried out an investigation to see what would make the strongest bridge. As you can see from the photos below, the children enjoyed investigating. It will be interesting to see what other bridges we make as the term continues! 


During the first full week of school, we took pictures of the children at the start of Year 5. We also had the annual class photo taken. It will be interesting to look back at these photos at the end of Year 5 and see how much the children have changed.