Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

Welcome to Stonebroom Primary & Nursery School. Please take some time to browse our website and find out all about us.

    1. News
    2. Whole School News
    3. EYFS


    20 March 2020 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys))

    I have made a new page on the website for you to access during the School closure period.

    I have begun to add ideas and activities on to the website, which the children could do at home.

    These activities are suitable for both nursery and reception children but some may require adult supervision and support.

    Follow the link below to find the EYFS home learning page.

    I have also included some websites, which your child may enjoy. These include things such as interactive games and stories.

    I will keep adding websites and games each week for the children to access.

    Have fun learning together.

    Take care.

    Best wishes

    Mrs Beresford