Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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High Street, Stonebroom, Alfreton, Derbyshire, DE55 6JY | Headteacher: Mrs A Sweeney

01773 872449

Stonebroom Primary And Nursery School

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  1. News
  2. Celebration Assembly news is on the website!
  3. Nursery - Summer Wk 3

Nursery - Summer Wk 3

3 May 2020 (by Mrs Beresford (monkeys))

This week our main focus question is " Are there mermaids in the sea?"

I have put together a selection of work on our home learning page focused on our question of the week "Are there mermaids in the sea?"

I would like the children to use their imaginations to think about whether there are mermaids and mermen living in our seas. 

I have included a link to a story by Julia Donaldson about a singing mermaid. The book covers some language that the children may not have heard before, such as cockles and muscles. Please talk with your children about this new vocabulary and find out together about the new words.

There is also a link to a song from The Little Mermaid that you might like to play and sing or dance along to!

I have also included a maths pack and a phonics pack for those children who would like to get involved.

Please keep on sharing your child's work with me through their Evidence Me account.

If you have any questions please get in touch.

Best wishes

Mrs Beresford