General Data Protection Regulation – Parent/carer information
Your Headteacher is responsible for the accuracy and safe-keeping of all pupil/parent/carer information. Please help to keep your child’s records up to date by informing us of any change of circumstances.
School staff have access to your child’s records to enable them to do their jobs. From time to time information may be shared with others involved in your child’s care, if it is necessary. Anyone with access to your child’s records is properly trained in confidentiality issues and is governed by a legal duty to keep their details secure, accurate and up to date.
All information about your child is held securely and appropriate safeguards are in place to prevent accidental loss.
In some circumstances we may be required by law to release your child’s details to statutory or other official bodies, for example if a court order is presented, or in the case of public educational issues. In other circumstances you may be required to give written consent before information is released – such as the educational reports for insurance, solicitors etc.
To ensure your child’s privacy, we will not disclose information over the telephone unless we are sure that we are talking to you – the parent/carer. Information will not be disclosed to family and friends unless we have prior written consent and we do not leave messages with others.
You have a right to see your child’s records if you wish. Please ask at the school’s office if you would like further details. An appointment will be required. There is usually no fee payable.
GDPR and Data Protection
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became law on 25th May 2018.
Data Protection Officer name: Claire Archibald. GDPR for schools, DCC.
DPO email: DPO phone: 01629 532888
DOP address: Room 396, North Block, County Hall, Smedley Street, Matlock, Derbyshire, DE4 3AG
**for details of our ICO registration , please contact the school office (01773 872449)
Privacy Workforce Notice 2023-24
Governors Privacy Notice 2023-24
Data protection Framework Document
**Please note that school policies are available on the website under School Policies or on request from the school office.
FOI Published Guide to Information
If you need to change any of your personal details (e.g. parent/carer contact number, home address, medical records etc), please contact the school office 01773 872449 or email
Useful Video and Information, click HERE
ICO advice for small organisations, click HERE
ICO GDPR guide, click HERE